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“Knowing it is less than liking it,

and liking it is less than enjoying it”

Since 2015, Mee:International design studio has been creating rich esthetic experiences through exhibition design. We partner with artists to create emotionally powerful spaces that highlight each project’s unique context and maximize visitor engagement. With our powerful blend of innovation and technical excellence, we build bridges between artists and audience. Our mission is to create value in the society by designing the perfect environment for this transcendental interaction.  

We are recognized for our fresh approach to space design through a mix of sophisticated modern architecture with trendy vintage elements. Our elegant design is meticulously tailored for each project to give it a unique depth and personality that leave lasting impressions. This is accomplished through a deep understanding and insight into each client’s philosophy and identity.

CEO / Head Designer

Yonsei University Graduate School: Spatial Design MA
Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London : Architecture BA

Soyool Jang is a space designer. She received her master’s degree in spatial design from Yonsei University, and following her graduation, Soyool Jang went abroad to New York where she continued her studies for several years. Upon her return to Korea, Soyool Jang began her work as an interior and exhibition designer.  

Professionally, Soyool Jang has led several high profile projects. In 2014, she oversaw the workspace design of the head office and R&D center of Samsung Electronics in Seoul. She also managed the interior design of the President’s office at Samsung Electronics. In addition, she has successfully completed a variety of freelance design projects for prestigious galleries and department stores. Soyool Jang is passionate about serving the artistic community by helping artists connect with the general public through her work.

Our Team


We Are,




Art & Exhibition

- Curation

- Ideation

- Display / Merchandise

전시의 본질을 파악하여 흥미로운 콘텐츠를 만들고 예술성과 상업성을 모두 지닌 매력적인 전시를 디자인합니다.

Branding & VMD

- Brand Analysis

- Building Contents / Identity

- Creating Form

브랜드의 내재된 힘을 발견하여 디자인 언어로 재해석하고 고유의 정체성을 확립시켜 가장 적합한 방식의 전략을 수립합니다.

Interior & Architecture

- Furniture

- Spatial Design

- Construction / Supervision

풍부한 콘텐츠와 전문성을 바탕으로 설계, 시공을 아우르는 완성도 높은 토탈 공간 서비스를 제공하여 공간의 가치를 높입니다.


Upper /

미인터내셔날(MEEINT)의 로고는 Upper, Lower 2가지 타입으로 구성되어 있습니다.

Regular-Bold 두가지 타입의 선 두께는 서로의 무게감을 지지하며 적절한 균형을 이루며,

이는 예술과 디자인, 이상과 현실의 균형, 즉 ‘상상한 것을 시각화 함’을 의미합니다.

존재감 있게 뻗은 Serif는 MEEINT의 날카로운 미적 감각과 문제 해결 능력을 의미하며,

개방적이고도 활달한 느낌을 주어 긍정적 미래를 표상하도록 합니다.

Lower /


미인터내셔날(MEEINT) 로고의 시인성을 확보하기 위하여 공간 여백을 규정합니다.

 상하 기준 로고 내 알파벳 ‘M 1/2’ 높이에 해당하는 여백을 상하좌우에 적용하여 최소치를 선정했습니다.

해당 공간 내 다른 요소의 침범 없이 독립적으로 사용되어야 합니다.

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